Redaction for Standards Compliance
Recent legal changes in the United States have impacted the way in which agencies handle video/multimedia evidence requests from the public. Complying with the new laws, and maintaining compliance with state and federal privacy codes requires agencies to manage the processing of requests quite carefully. Requests for records around a critical event can quickly swamp an agency’s staff given the new statutory time frames for the release of data.
For example, California Senate Bill 1421, Skinner (D. Berkeley), opens public access to internal investigations of police shootings and other incidents where an officer killed or seriously injured someone, as well to sustained findings of sexual assault and lying on the job.
Another example is California Assembly Bill 748, Ting (D. San Francisco), which requires police departments to release within 45 days audio or video footage of shootings or other incidents involving serious use of force unless it would interfere with an active investigation.
These courses will get the agency and their redaction staff up to speed on the issues and the technology necessary to bring the agency into compliance with the new laws.
Our Current Redaction Training Offerings:
AL110 - Redaction for Standards Compliance - featuring the Adobe Creative Suite tools.
AL111 - Redaction for Standards Compliance - featuring Magix Vegas Pro 16 + Audacity.
AL112 - Redaction for Standards Compliance - featuring Amped FIVE + Audacity.
AL113 - Comprehensive Introduction to Redaction of Multimedia Evidence - Adobe, Amped, Audacity, and Magix tools.
This class is for those employees involved in the processing of video evidence for their agency. After an overview of the technological and legal aspects of working with video evidence in a California law enforcement setting, basic job costing, triage, redaction, and quality control techniques are discussed in light of the laws regarding records release in California. The curriculum is presented with strong emphasis on the work flow required to process this unique type of evidence. Graduates will thus acquire training in the techniques and skills necessary to perform redactions in a “compliance based” setting as well as to package, deliver, and present those findings in their local context.
Providing innovative training solutions in the following areas:
- Statistics for Forensic Analysts
- Retrieval / Seizure of Electronic Evidence from Crime Scenes
- Shooting Incident Reconstruction
- Forensic Multimedia Analysis
- Redaction of Multimedia Evidence
- Forensic Photographic Comparison
- Forensic Content Analysis
- Vehicle Make / Model Determination
- Forensic Multimedia Authentication
- Forensic Photogrammetric Analysis
- Forensic Audio Analysis
- Tool Validation for Forensic Laboratories
- Constitutional / Ethical Management of Forensic Laboratories
- Accreditation, Certification, and Compliance for Forensic Laboratories and Practitioners
From Acquisition
to Analysis
to Reporting
to Testimony
What is Forensic Science? Forensic science, regardless of the specific discipline, is the systematic and coherent study of traces to address questions of authentication, identification, classification, reconstruction, and evaluation for a legal context.
What is a trace? A trace is any modification, subsequently observable, resulting from an event.
Competency Based Training: because of the overlap that exists across the digital and multimedia domains, it is often preferable to focus first on a broad baseline of training that includes both the acquisition of evidence as well as the analysis of that is collected. Analysts can then dive into the depths of specific domains of analysis. Whilst other programs focus on tool-specific training that is more "show and tell" than training to competnecy, we focus on providing students with a meaningful pathway to mastery of the subject matter.