
Democratizing Forensic Science

The 2016 IACP Conference is over. I’ve spent the last few days processing the events, the conversations, the many questions, and the amazing people that came to Taser’s booth to see an incredible product line from a dynamic and forward thinking company. In demonstrating the Axon Forensic Suite tools at the booth, I got to thinking how far we’ve come …

The Interdependence of Science and Law

Today’s topic comes as I prepare to present authentication training in northern California. The title comes from an old article by Assoc. US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. A local attorney enquired a while ago as to efforts underway to mitigate the Beckley decision in California. Remember that Beckley (People v Beckley, et all (B212529 – Ca. 2nd Appellate District)) …

Authentication of social media images

Not too long ago, I was contacted by a European NGO that was concerned about a particular image that was circulating around social media and the internet. Depending on which site you happen to be surfing, the picture above is often described as a Ukrainian paramilitary wearing the crossed grenades insignia of the WWII era German SS-Sonderregiment Dirlewanger (aka, the …

Fit for Purpose

A few months ago, a new customer contacted us about a problem he was having in his business. He’s in the property management business and had recently acquired a new contract for a large condo complex in a popular tourist area. His first task, in his mind, was to update the building’s security. He thought it would be easy to …